In 2017, after the assassination of former police spokesman Andrew Felix Kaweesi, police arrested several people suspected of being behind the murder.
They accused the security forces before Judge Margret Oguri Owumo of torturing them in custody by the police forcing them to admit that they killed Kaweesi.
Even the court judge was not bad, then the evidence being there that the prisoners had injuries, these 22, ordered that police had to compesate ugx 80 million to them, and said he is tired of trying prisoners who come to court after being beaten and tortured to extract court evidence.
Bringing tortured prisoners to court became commonplace, especially those suspected of involvement in the murders of prominent people in the country.
Although human rights activists have condemned it, government Attorney General Kiryowa Kiwanuka sees it as an excuse to prevent justice from prevailing.
Speaking at a meeting of prosecutors and police investigators, Kiwanuka said he would like the law to be changed, so that not only can a prisoner be tried for torture, but the crime he committed can also be prosecuted.
Let’s assume that the court, actually finds that this person was tortured, then the court says, you’re acquitted of murder because you’re tortured, thats unconstitutional. Absolutely unconstitutional, Kiwanuka remarked.
The ceremony was attended by President Museveni as the chief guest.
Kiwanuka was supported by Human Rights Commissioner Mariam Wangadya and Attorney General Jane Francis Abodo.
We are very happy with the Attorney General who says that this cannot go like that and we must do something about it. Says Abodo.
Uganda Law Society President Bernard Oundo disagreed with Attorney General Kiryowa Kiwanuka.
Kiwanuka brought up the issue of prisoners being brought to court within 48 hours which he said he was surprised that even trained lawyers did not pay much attention to the rule as prosecutors were free to ask for more than those hours to continue their investigation.
“But we must be careful to read these things to say 48 hours, they’ve reported an offence, they have arrested the person they must do cherge sheets, Okay we are very serious as the government but I don’t expect the law to wait. Kiwanuka added.
However, the president of Uganda said he was not impressed and happy with the way the security forces beat, handled and tortured the arrested people and he has been saying this for some time.